GTF format


Field 2: <source>

Field 3: <feature>

AStalavista distinguishes variations of the exon-intron structure into different classes, each one with a specific GTF feature.

Feature Description
as_event An Alternative Splicing event compliant with the definition given in Sammeth et al. (2008).
ds_event Additional Splicing event. For a definition, see here.

Field 6: <score>

AStalavista adapts a score developed by Sugnet et al. (2004), see function confidence in their program altSplice. The goal is to assign a higher score to events where all variants are supported by many transcript, and a lower score, when only the number of variants with strong transcript support. The AStalavista score for events with an arbitrary dimension $d \geq 2$ is

\begin{align} \mathit{score_{event}}= \frac{\sum_i^d |\mathit{support}_i| + \mathit{nonsupporting_{event}}} {max_{(i,j)\in \{1,2,\ldots,d\}^2, i\neq j} |support_i - support_j|+ \mathit{nonsupporting_{event}}} \end{align}

with $sum_i^d |\mathit{support}$ being the total number of transcript that support an event, $\mathit{non-supporting_{event}}}$ the number of transcripts that overlap the event, but do not support either variant, and $\mathit{non-supporting_{event}}$ the difference between the support of two variants $i,j$ in the event. Therefore, larger scores are higher confident, but they usually range between 1-2.

Field 8: <frame>

No adaption currently available.

Field 9- <attributes>

For describing the attributes of events, AStalavista uses the following attribute tags

Attribute since Description
locus_id 2.3 Identifier for the splicing locus where the event is observed.
transcript_id 1.0 A ,'' (comma'') separated list, that shows for each variant the list of transcript_id names from $\geq 1$ spliceforms that support the variant. Multiple transcript_id strings that support the same variant are separated by a /'' (dash'').
structure 1.0 The alternative splicing code (AS code) that describes qualitatively the exon-intron structure of the event as described in Sammeth et al. (2008). Variants are again seperated by ,'' (comma'') .
splice_chain 1.0 A ,'' (comma'') separated list, that shows for each variant the list of variable sites. Each site is described by an Integer value according to its genomic location, and a symbol according to its biological role
flanks 1.1 Common sites that delimit the event, if they exist (see Internal and external events).
flanks 1.1 Common sites that delimit the event, if they exist.
dimension 1.2 The number of variants in the event, an _'' (underscore'') separator, followed by the numer of variants in the corresponding complete event (i.e., the corresponding bubble of the splicing graph.
degree 1.0 The number of variable sites in the event.
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